How to Make Passive Income As A Teenager? Best Helpful Tips
Welcome to my How to Make Passive Money As A Teenager blog post. I’m gonna be showing you in this blog post how to make passive income as a teenager. I’m making thousands and thousands dollar per month following these few simple steps.
Introducing Myself:

I am Raju Bhadra working with online marketing since 2012. At the very beginning, I worked cash my link CPA company by promoting watching movies. Then in 2014, I worked with Clicksure and Clickbetter. I promote their products by reviewing it. After that, I was outside a few months for my LLB and LLM graduation. Then After 2016, I started to promote WarriorPlus and ClickBank Product, and The Four Percent Group. After 2017 I started to release products in WarriorPlus. I released over 50+ quality products in WarriorPlus. Now at present, I am promoting various JVZoo products, and My main focus on LEGENDARY MARKETER & ENTRE INSTITUTE because I LOVE High Ticket Program and everyone should join a High Ticket Program.
Purpose of This Answer-Today Blog:
I am honestly saying my one and only purpose is to help people who want to make money online. When I was a green newbie I had searched for everything here and there and most of the time I don’t get the exact answer to my questions. So, I decided if I can then I will make such type of blog from where people can easily get their basic questions to answer. I will try my best to provide the best answers to your question. Join My Facebook Page Here & Look My YouTube Channel Here.
How to Make Passive Income As A Teenager? Best Helpful Tips

Step 1 – Shoot Videos That Sell Something
The first step to making passive income is you have to shoot videos that sell something. If a picture tells a thousand words a video tells a thousand pictures. so you shoot videos once and they can make you money long term. You don’t need a fancy setup to get started with video marketing you can literally use your phone.
Now whatever you pick to sell that provides value shoot videos that provide value. So for instance, if I picked a weight loss product to sell a product that helps people lose weight such as let’s say Nutrisystem. You want to shoot videos that have weight loss advice. Again 80% value 20% selling.
At the end of every video after you’ve given people helpful advice and added value to their lives you can have a call to action towards what you are selling. Then link them back to an affiliate link or a squeeze page that redirects them to your affiliate funnel and this will also help build your list. You’ll also be used to send traffic or send people or prospective customers to the product that you’re selling.
Step 2 – Use Money From The Videos For SEO
The videos that you’re shooting and putting up on youtube you can take some of the money and put it into SEO. SEO means search engine optimization means you get better rankings and show up to more people who search for your subject matter in youtube or google or bing or wherever.
You can easily outsource your whole youtube operation to the Philippines for five dollars an hour or even less. You can use your outsourced staff to pick keywords for your design, your thumbnails, edit your videos, outline your videos whatever you need. They can upload your videos and most importantly use best practice SEO for your videos. so they actually rank.
The more videos you make the more money you make. When a certain topic isn’t working very well simply make fewer videos about that topic. And when a topic is working well simply make more videos about that topic. I rank high for affiliate marketing and all different sorts of products and software related to making money online. This has created a passive income stream of thousands of dollars per month for me and my business.
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Step 3 – Use Money From The Videos To Pay For Ads
The third step you can take is using some of that money to pay for advertisements. So this is where the big money comes in and this is where I’ve made my big money. The videos can also have ad spend injected into them to earn even more. You can buy youtube ads so that your videos get in front of more potential customers. You can even put the videos on a Facebook fan page and advertise on there.
Now that you’ve shot one video and that video can make money in three different ways. You’ll also be building up an audience or what we call in advertising a retargeting list. So that you can continue connecting with this audience that is interested in weight loss products, or online software. You can connect with them in cheaper ways for cheaper conversions. The money you make from these free strategies can be used to fund the paid strategy of advertising and this lets you get to a thousand dollars per month really fast. You can go really far with this strategy of simply posting relevant content adding value pitching a product and making money from it.
Final Opinion: How to Make Passive Income As A Teenager
So I hope this blog post was helpful and kind of explanation the How to Do I Get Started In Affiliate Marketing As A Beginner. I’m an internet marketer. I’ve been running an internet business since 2012. I’ve been making thousands of dollars. And I’ve worked in a number of different fields but the place, where I’ve made most of my money, is affiliate marketing. If you do want to learn more about making money online and even starting an affiliate marketing-based business, which any products it doesn’t require any customer support or fulfillment or any of that jazz. Then check my No #1 Recommendation.
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