How to Get Free Traffic to Any Website? (With SEO – Without SEO)

Welcome to my How to Get Free Traffic to Any Website blog post. In this blog, I’m going to show How to get free blog traffic to a new blog with SEO and without SEO. Read this article completely. Driving traffic to a new website using SEO is not easy. If you are doing the White hat SEO only, it may take several months before you see any organic traffic growth from search engines. But the good thing is, there are ways using which you can drive free traffic to a new blog without SEO.

Introducing Myself:

Raju Bhadra (IM Blogger and YouTube Influencer)

I am Raju Bhadra working in online marketing since 2012. At the very beginning, I worked cash my link CPA company by promoting watching movies. Then in 2014, I worked with Clicksure and Clickbetter. I promote their products by reviewing it. After that, I was outside a few months for my LLB and LLM graduation. Then After 2016, I started to promote WarriorPlus and ClickBank Product, and The Four Percent Group. After 2017 I started to release products in WarriorPlus. I released over 50+ quality products in WarriorPlus. Now at present, I am promoting various JVZoo products, and My main focus on LEGENDARY MARKETER & ENTRE INSTITUTE because I LOVE the High Ticket Program and everyone should join a High Ticket Program.

Purpose of This Answer-Today Blog:

I am honestly saying my one and only purpose is to help people who want to make money online. When I was a green newbie I had searched for everything here and there and most of the time I don’t get the exact answer to my questions. So, I decided if I can then I will make such type of blog from where people can easily get their basic questions to answer. I will try my best to provide the best answers to your question. Join My Facebook Page Here & Look My YouTube Channel Here.


How to Get Free Traffic to Any Website? (With SEO – Without SEO)

How to Get Free Traffic to Any Website
How to Get Free Traffic to Any Website

## How to Drive Traffic Without SEO

First I’ll teach you how to drive traffic without SEO, and then how to drive traffic using SEO. So without any further delay, let’s get started!

If you have a brand new blog without any fan following, the best thing you can do is: you can leverage the following of other authority bloggers in your niche. There are two ways you can do this.

#1- Invite Popular Blogger for Interview:

Create a list of popular bloggers in your niche and invite them for a blogger interview on your blog. Most of them will be glad to accept your proposal. But, if someone doesn’t, you may simply move on to the next blogger on your list. And when someone accepts your proposal, come up with good quality questions that might mutually benefit your audience as well as the person whom you are interviewing. And, this helps you in two ways: 

1) As you are a new blogger, you may learn a lot from their experiences,

and 2) When the post is live, you may request them to share your blog post with their audience.

And since they have already built an existing loyal audience, when they would share your post, this would bring a huge chunk of free traffic to your blog. By the way, here is a pro tip: make sure you have set up your blog properly for email collection and list building. Because if you don’t collect emails from visitors, most of them might not even return later. And all your hard work will be wasted for a short-term gain. Therefore, you must learn how to funnel that free traffic to build your blog audience.

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#2 – Create Expert Roundup Post

The 2nd method to drive free traffic is doing expert round-up posts. You may reach out to expert authorities in your niche and ask them a particular question related to the challenges or anything related to your niche. I know this might seem confusing, so let me illustrate it with an example.

Suppose you have a blog in the fitness niche. So what you’ll do is: simply visit Facebook and search for Fitness niche groups. Ideally, you are looking for groups with a good number of members and engagement. Once you find such groups, simply contact the admins of each of these groups and ask a question.

[For example]

– Hey First Name,

I noticed that you own a Facebook group in the Fitness niche. With the tough time going around due to Corona, I know maintaining fitness during lockdown is tough. What are some unique ways you would suggest to stay fit while staying at home? I’m planning a roundup post featuring your answer with 30 other Fitness experts. The deadline is 30th November. Let me know what you think. Looking forward to your response!


Your new fan Raju.

Continue Reading – How to Get Free Traffic to Any Website

Send this to various admins or authorities in your niche, and once you get an answer simply create an expert roundup post, and publish it on your blog. After the post is published, contact them again and let them know that the post is live now. Also, request them to share your post if they like it. 

Hey First Name,

Thanks for your response. I’m amazed by your contribution. The post is published now and live on the web. Here is the link: I would be so glad if you check it out and let me know what you think. Also, if you like it, please feel free to share it or simply tweet it out. Again, thank you so much for your time.

Regards, Raju.

Once you send this, most of them would be glad to share your blog post with hundreds or even thousands of their audiences. And this can bring you a good chunk of free traffic.

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## How to Drive Traffic With SEO

Here is how to drive free traffic using SEO. While your blog is new, you may learn keyword research, on-page SEO, link building and other crucial skills to get free traffic from Search Engines. But oftentimes, this takes time and that’s why I don’t recommend new bloggers to entirely rely on SEO. Instead, my recommendation is: Leverage the benefits from the SEO authority of other popular sites. I term this “Parasite SEO technique”. Just like parasites, you are basically living on the SEO juice of other authority sites.

For example, Quora is one of the most popular platforms on the web today. According to Alexa Traffic stats, it’s one of the top 250 sites on the internet. In fact, their SEO is so effective that you can search for almost anything and you’ll certainly find some search results from Quora in the top 10 Google search rankings. So why not leverage their SEO authority for free organic traffic just like a parasite?

Continue Reading – How to Get Free Traffic to Any Website

Simply create a free Quora account, set up your profile, and start answering questions related to your blog post. While answering the questions, you may smartly insert a link to your blog post and promote your stuff as well. But keep in mind, your primary goal should be to educate others by sharing your expertise rather than spamming. Otherwise, if you are caught spamming, they might terminate your account as well.

So this is how you can use parasite SEO to get free organic traffic and well, Quora is just one example, there are many other such platforms as well. Like Medium, Blogger, Sitegoogle, LinkedIn, etc. You can post there and get the authority to your new website.


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